Why Does Yuuki Aoi Cover Her Face in Seiyuu Group Photos?

Many of you know Yuuki Aoi as popular characters such as Kaname Madoka from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Diane from Nanatsu no Taizai, or even Konno Yuuki from Sword Art Online.

Recently, fans have noticed something strange when it comes to her taking group photos with other voice actors. She always covers her face for some reason.

Yuuki is at the bottom right wearing a white one piece dress covering her face with a double piece sign.

Yuuki is standing in the back row second to the left in pink covering her face with hand claws pose.

She covers her face with a Star Trek Vulcan Salute type gesture
She covers her face with a CD


Another photo of her covering her face with a double piece

And now with a Madoka towel.

What does this mean? Is it because of no make up? Doesn’t like to be in the picture? Or is it just being cute?

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